About one-third of the population suffers from sleep problems. These can vary from not sleeping well a few nights a month, to a chronic condition that causes you to systematically get too little sleep. This is of course very annoying and can lead to many problems.
In this article, we look at the most common sleep problems and how you can best combat them.

Which sleep problems are common?

Fighting Sleep Problems 1Everyone suffers from a bad night's sleep from time to time. In many cases, that will pass. However, some people often suffer from sleep problems and therefore have more difficulty functioning in daily life. There are five main categories of the most common sleep problems that we are going to discuss here.

1. Insomnia as a sleep problem

If you have a lot of trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, you may be suffering from insomnia. It can develop on its own but is usually a result of underlying problems, such as stress, jet lag, hormones, or illness. Insomnia is also known as insomnia. There are three different ways you can identify your insomnia:

  • Chronic insomnia. When you regularly suffer from chronic insomnia and this occurs in periods of longer than a month.
  • Intermittent insomnia. This is when you occasionally suffer from a period of insomnia.
  • Short-term insomnia. This is when you only have insomnia for a few nights at a time.

What is the best way to fight insomnia?
First, you will look for the cause of your insomnia. When you have found these, you can look for a way to solve the cause so that your sleep problems also decrease. However, if you cannot find the cause, you can combat the symptoms with the help of sleeping pills and supplements. You can also participate in a clinical study, where researchers monitor your sleep pattern to find a possible cause.

2. Sleep Apnea

When you suffer from sleep apnea, your breathing stops temporarily while you sleep. This happens in very short moments, but you, therefore, absorb less oxygen, which means that you also relax less well. There are two different types of sleep apnea:

  • Obstructive sleep apnea is which your breathing is hindered by a narrowing or too little space in your airways.
  • Central sleep apnea is which there is a miscommunication between the brain and the muscles that control your breathing.

How do you combat sleep problems due to sleep apnea?
You can reduce sleep apnea by consuming less alcohol before going to bed. It can also help to lie on your side while you sleep. Do you suffer from obstructive sleep apnea? Then a CPAP machine often helps to keep your airways clear.

3. Restless Legs Syndrome

If you suffer from restless leg syndrome, it means that you have a great need to move your legs. This often happens when you are just going to bed or when you are sitting quietly. Sometimes it is accompanied by a tingling sensation in the legs. This can draw so much attention that you have trouble sleeping.
How do you fight restless leg syndrome?
Your doctor can give you sleeping pills that make your body fall asleep more easily so that you suffer less from sleep problems due to your restless legs syndrome. It also helps to exercise during the day and to take a relaxing bath with a massage in the evening.

4. Sleep problems due to narcolepsy

While many people associate narcolepsy with suddenly falling asleep during the day, this condition also causes you to have trouble sleeping at night. Many people who have narcolepsy suffer from sleep paralysis at night. Sleeping too much during the day can also make it harder for you to fall asleep at night.
How do you fight narcolepsy?
Narcolepsy is chronic and cannot be controlled. However, you can tackle the symptoms and complaints. For example, people often receive stimulants from their GP to keep them more alert and awake during the day. Several antidepressants can also work here.

5. Parasomnia

When you suffer from parasomnia, you fall asleep fairly quickly, but you can sleepwalk in the evening, talk in your sleep or grind your teeth a lot. Some people also wet the bed or have severe nightmares. As a result, their bodies restless well and they feel very tired during the day.
How do you fight parasomnia?
Depending on the severity of your parasomnia, you may receive medication from your primary care physician. However, if it is not very serious, you can also try cognitive behavioral therapy. Various relaxation exercises can also help to reduce your sleep problems.

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