Many people, especially athletes, are aware of the possibilities of creatine. It helps to train longer and harder to build muscle mass faster, but new research shows that it also stimulates your brain. This is because, among other things, the condition and recovery of (endurance) athletes are improved, the glucose metabolism benefits, and the density of the minerals in your bones increases. It can also protect against traumatic brain disorders and reduce damage by so-called free radicals.
At the moment, several leading researchers are still working to map the various neurological disorders. Creatine may have a therapeutic role in age-related diseases such as Parkinson's, Huntington's, Alzheimer's, and ALS. The motor nerve cells are preserved and the free radicals are combated, according to Dr. Janssen.
There are a number of broad lines why people want to use creatine and we can subdivide these into endurance sports performance, improving the density of minerals in the bone tissue, a positive effect on the glucose metabolism, making your brain function properly in a long-term way, the positive effects on a brain disorder and as mentioned before it fights the damage of free radicals.
Stacking enough carbohydrates to increase your energy supply is a way for endurance athletes to perform better in the long(er) term. As soon as creatine is added, the glycogen stock can be increased by 50%.
In 1 in 3 women and 1 in 5 men, the risk of osteoporosis due to a bone fracture increases. Creation ensures a high density of bone minerals, which greatly reduces possible fatal consequences in, for example, a broken hip.
Buying creatine increases glucose tolerance and can be beneficial for blood sugar levels. In combination with regular training, it has been shown that this also increases glycogen storage.
Our research in collaboration with a number of hospitals, dietitians, and nutritionists will take shape in the coming months and we will post the results of our research on this page.
Below you will find the video “Creatine viewed from a scientific point of view”:

Creatine Supplements 1

Creatine supplements

Creatine supplements are one of the world's most popular and effective supplements for athletes such as bodybuilders, athletes, and endurance athletes. But what makes a supplement with creatine so popular among avid athletes? We are happy to explain it to you!
Several studies have shown that buying and using creatine sports supplements improves your sports performance. Think of more muscle mass, more strength, and better endurance.
Some people think that creatine supplementation is harmful and that it can lead to various side effects. Well, creatine is perfectly safe, but the point is that you need to know how to use it properly.

What is creatine?

It is a substance that is naturally present in your body. The chemical structure of creatine is similar to amino acids (the building blocks of proteins). Creatine is mainly present in your muscle cells (about 95%) and the remaining 5% is in your kidneys, liver, and brain.
Creatine helps your muscles produce more energy during an intense workout or heavy lifting. That is why creatine supplements are very popular among bodybuilders, sports enthusiasts, and people who strive for a fit and summer-proof body.
The amount of creatine stored in your body depends on several factors. Think of your diet, exercise, and testosterone level. High-protein foods – especially animal proteins, such as meat and fish – contain a fair amount of it.
Creatine is stored in your muscle cells in the form of creatine phosphate. When you take creatine dietary supplements, you increase these creatine phosphate stores in your body. This helps your body make a high-energy molecule called “ATP” (Adenosine Triphosphate). The more ATP, the more energy you will have while exercising.

How do creatine supplements improve your sports performance?

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The main purpose of taking creatine supplements is to improve sports performance. It helps you in several ways. It improves strength, increases muscle mass, and improves muscle recovery during exercise.
Creatine is especially helpful in high-intensity exercises, such as heavy lifting and sprinting. In other words, exercises that require a lot of energy for a short period of time. That is why it is a popular sports supplement.
But who are creatine supplements mainly loved and why? Well, it is especially popular among professional athletes, sportsmen, bodybuilders, weightlifters, and powerlifters. However, there is no clear study showing that it also helps with endurance sports. Now that we have described how creatine can improve your sports performance, we will discuss how creatine works in more detail in the next paragraph.

How does creatine work?

The main source of energy in our body tissues is adenosine triphosphate (ATP). During strenuous exercise, or during other physical exertion, the creatine stores in our muscles are depleted. This leads to a decrease in ATP levels, which makes us feel fatigued.
When creatine enters the body, it combines with phosphate molecules to form creatine phosphate. Our body oxidizes carbohydrates, fats, and proteins to make ATP. When we perform strenuous physical activities, ATP is converted into adenosine diphosphate (ADP). It is called ADP because it is one of the phosphates used by our body as energy.
ATP = ADP + Energy
ADP is useless to the body unless it is converted back to ATP. And this is where creatine supplements can help us. The creatine dietary supplement donates its phosphate to the ADP to re-form ATP, which is a source of muscle strength and energy. In this way, creatine can contribute to building extra muscle mass.

The different types of creatine supplements

There are mainly three types of creatine supplements that are readily available in the market. These are creatine monohydrate, creatine hydrolysate, and creatine ethyl ester. Below we will discuss the different types of creatine in more detail.

1. Creatine Monohydrate

This is the most common and thoroughly researched form of creatine. It is very cheap and backed by many studies. So it's not surprising that this form is the most common in creatine supplements.
Creatine monohydrate consists of a water molecule and a creatine molecule. It contains about 90% creatine by weight. Sometimes anhydrous creatine is produced by removing the water molecules, making it 100% creatine.
Another variation is micronized creatine. It is prepared by reducing the size of the creatine particles. This is done to improve the solubility of water. Theoretically, better solubility can improve its absorption into your body.
These small differences in processing do not lead to a noticeable change in their performance. All these forms are almost equally effective.

2. Creatine Hydrolyzate

Creatine hydrolyzate (HCL) is known for its superior solubility. Some supplement companies and manufacturers claim that it is so soluble in water that you can experience the same benefits as creatine monohydrate at a lower dose.
However, not many experiments and studies have been done to measure the effectiveness of creatine HCL. That's why you can't think of creatine hydrolyzate as superior to creatine monohydrate.

3. Creatine Ethyl Ester

Some manufacturers claim that this is the best type of creatine of all. They even claim it can surpass creatine monohydrate. However, research conducted to compare these two strains showed that creatine ethyl ester (CEE) is less effective at increasing muscle and blood creatine levels.

How Much Creatine Should You Use?

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Some people who take creatine supplements start what is called a loading phase. They take a large amount (about 20 grams) of creatine during the first week and use 3-5 grams of creatine per day in the weeks after.
For better absorption, consume creatine in combination with a meal consisting of protein and/or carbohydrate-rich foods. This better absorption is due to the release of the so-called insulin hormone, which improves the absorption of creatine.
You can consume a creatine supplement at any time of the day, but the best time is to take it with your protein shake after a workout. The reason for this is that your body's absorption capacity is at its maximum at that time.

Safety Instructions and Possible Creatine Side Effects

Some people think that creatine dietary supplements are harmful to the kidneys and liver. However, there are no side effects when used correctly. There is no evidence that creatine harms the kidneys and liver in healthy people who take a normal dose of 3-5 grams per day.
People with existing kidney or liver problems should consult a doctor before taking creatine supplements. Creatine's relationship with the kidneys is that it is metabolized by the kidneys. This can put a little more stress on the kidneys. It is therefore important to keep your water intake high so that you stay well hydrated.
Other possible side effects of taking creatine include cramping and stomach upset. These effects can be avoided by reducing the daily dose.

Creatine supplementation in summary

Creatine is a substance that is naturally present in your body (mainly in your muscles). Creatine supplements are among the most popular and widely used nutritional supplements in the world.
It improves sports performance in several ways, as it provides your body with extra ATP. This is why it is loved by professional athletes, sports enthusiasts, and bodybuilders.
Ultimately, of all forms, creatine monohydrate is the cheapest, the safest, the most studied, and the most widely used form.

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