chronic lack of sleep is worrying and may originate from different health factors. Prolonged insomnia, a disturbed night's sleep, or difficulty falling asleep eventually lead to serious complaints.
Without realizing it in the first place, you can become mentally and physically unbalanced and react irrationally to situations. You may feel irritated more quickly and it seems as if you no longer have a complete grip on certain day-to-day matters.
Fortunately, there are several things you can do to improve chronic sleep deprivation. We will go into this in more detail in this article. But before we get started, let's look at the possible symptoms that can be linked to sleep deprivation that can be chronic.

Chronic sleep deprivation leads to various complaints

chronic sleep deprivation1What is chronic sleep deprivation characterized by? Well, not being able to sleep puts your emotions out of balance. Also, your sense of balance may no longer be completely optimal and stable.

As a result of sleep deprivation that is chronic, you are more likely to overeat and thus gain weight. This also contributes to a negative spiral consisting of gloomy emotions and a negative self-image.
This can make you more anxious in life and find it increasingly difficult to connect with other people.
People who suffer a lot from sleep deprivation and can confirm this are, for example, parents with a newborn child. They often indicate that they cannot function optimally during the day because of a lack of sleep.
Read on to find out what action you can take to combat chronic sleep deprivation.

Drink enough water

If you don't drink enough, you get tired faster. Chronic sleep deprivation can certainly be the result of a clear sign of insufficient hydration. Dehydration results in fatigue.
You need plenty of water during the day to stay well hydrated. This prevents the insulin response from lowering, making the kidneys less effective at clearing excess sugars from the bloodstream through the urine.
If you also consume a lot of sugar to stay awake, your body will become extra tired. It is therefore important to drink enough during the day to be able to remove all waste products effectively.
In short, if you suffer from chronic sleep deprivation, it is certainly wise to drink a lot of water. Try to keep a clear view of what water you are taking in so that you support your body and make it fitter.

Supplementation of B vitamins against chronic sleep deprivation

chronic sleep deprivation2Several B vitamins convert food into fuel and contribute to well-functioning nerve connections in the body. If you are deficient in this, it can lead to fatigue because you sleep worse. In other words, it results in chronic sleep deprivation.

A common health problem is a deficiency of B12. This can manifest itself in various complaints. Your body feels weak and at some point communication between the brain and the various body, organs can become more difficult.
It is certainly advisable to use one or more supplements in case of a vitamin B deficiency. However, you must do this in consultation with a medical specialist, such as your general practitioner.
In other words, insomnia or fatigue can appear as a symptom resulting from a deficiency of B vitamins. You want to avoid chronic sleep deprivation by regularly dissolving and consuming a vitamin B complex dietary supplement in water.
In this way, the body can absorb the substances quickly and effectively, possibly giving you more energy. This leads to clear health benefits, which can help you fall asleep faster.

Take smaller breaks more often

If possible and your work permits, allow yourself a few smaller breaks during the day. With chronic sleep deprivation, it is nice to give your brain some rest – even during the day.
Increasing the processing time of events will improve your ability to concentrate. Ultimately, this is exactly what your brain needs to recover. You will become more vigilant and will be able to remember more of what the day has already brought.
If you stay focused continuously, a large part will escape you and this leads to less favorable performance. You might want to give your tired eyes a break so that brain fog, headaches, or other symptoms (from chronic sleep deprivation) can ease.
Look away from your computer screen for a few minutes, or temporarily cover your eyes with your hands. Or give yourself a head or facial massage and do light movement exercises.

Time for a power nap

chronic sleep deprivation3Another great way to take a break is to take a power nap. This can be a short period during which you fall asleep for a while or at least rest with your eyes closed. This can be very effective when you are dealing with chronic sleep deprivation!

Often 10 minutes are enough to gain a little more energy and take away the worst fatigue. If you rest for more than 90 minutes, this can again become just too long and have the opposite effect.
A power nap is really about a short period, in which you allow yourself to rest and take a break. This gives your eyes the chance to get over the worst fatigue, after which you can actively focus your attention on other activities.
You will notice that you can think better and are more alert again. A nap during the day won't affect your sleep, but it will improve your productivity, mood, and memory. Sleeping sicknesses such as narcolepsy can also be improved with naps.
Research has shown that the early afternoon is the best time to take a power nap.

Keep a strict daily routine

Chronic sleep deprivation, as described earlier in this article, can be related to many unpleasant symptoms. It is wise to maintain an even sleeping and eating schedule so that your body is in balance.
A constant routine provides guidance and the body will get used to it. If you always go to bed late and get up early, and then follow a completely different rhythm the following week, your bodily functions get confused. For example, irregular sleep disrupts the internal rhythm and also has health consequences at the cellular level.
You may suffer from abdominal pain, constipation, or diarrhea, you feel tired, have pain everywhere, and have difficulty remembering things. To treat chronic sleep deprivation, a clear daily routine is needed, in which you get up and go to bed at the same time each time.
This resets a circadian rhythm for a restored 24-hour rhythm or sleep-wake rhythm. A power nap in the afternoon is better than a varied sleep schedule. Get a new daily rhythm and your sleep deprivation will possibly decrease as a result.

Stabilize blood sugar levels

chronic sleep deprivation4If you feel very tired due to low blood sugar, this can cause you to be irritable, anxious, or restless. It becomes more difficult to concentrate and think clearly.

You will find that you are more likely to eat more as the sugar cravings increase. Increased weight decreases your body's ability to absorb insulin, increasing the risk of diabetes.
You end up in a vicious circle with possible chronic sleep deprivation, where you first crave sugar and then become exhausted because the blood sugar level crashes. And you need sugar again to get more energy.
Fortunately, good nutrients such as proteins and healthy fats can reduce this effect. These nutrients digest faster, which means that you are less likely to eat more. You can choose to use certain natural supplements or to supplement your diet with the right foods.
This ultimately contributes to a stable blood sugar level. A stable blood sugar level brings your body into balance so that you suffer less from chronic sleep deprivation.

Epsom zoutbaden

Another good remedy for chronic sleep deprivation is taking an Epsom salt bath. This salt contains magnesium and sulfate, which are well absorbed by the skin and ensure that cellular mechanisms work more efficiently.
Especially if you use Epsom salt before going to bed, it can help you fall asleep easier and faster. You detoxify your body, as it were so that it eventually becomes more balanced.
You will feel more energetic and relaxed. Also, muscle pain may be relieved by such a foot or bath with Epsom salt. A wonderful and effective way to relax and provide a real energy boost.

Improving chronic sleep deprivation

Chronic sleep deprivation can have major consequences for daily functioning. It is therefore important to tackle this as soon as possible. The methods described in this article will hopefully contribute to an improvement.
A healthy lifestyle with a clear rhythm and sufficient moments of rest will help you to sleep better at night and give you a more energetic feeling during the day. You feel a lot better as soon as your brain can relax sufficiently and your body is strengthened.
Try these methods and see for yourself how they can help improve chronic sleep deprivation. In any case, the methods described will contribute to a healthier life and a reduction in sleep deprivation.
If the symptoms persist, it is wise to contact your doctor. He or she can find out whether there may be other underlying health problems that cause little sleep.

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