Many people consider recognizing possible gluten allergy symptoms. Why? This is not surprising, because more and more people are becoming aware of their diet. This is, of course, because the symptoms surrounding allergies and disease patterns are becoming increasingly apparent and visible to a growing number of consumers.
By dealing more consciously with food, it is possible to deal more effectively with many symptoms or complaints. It gives you back a bit of control over what happens to you and this contributes to confidence in the self-healing capacity of the body.

Quickly recognize a possible gluten allergy

Gluten allergy is a growing phenomenon that can affect you a lot. By paying close attention to your diet and taking the right supplements to complement your diet, you can do a lot to alleviate any gluten allergy symptoms and fill nutritional deficiencies.
Understanding what a gluten allergy means can be a first step in recognizing the symptoms in yourself. In this article, we will therefore take a closer look at the common gluten allergy symptoms.

Similar complaints as gluten allergy symptoms

Gluten sensitivity has similar symptoms to gluten allergy (also called celiac disease and gluten intolerance). Although you can certainly experience a lot of discomfort with this, the ultimate symptoms are not as bad as with celiac disease.
Celiac disease is a serious autoimmune disease that can damage the digestive system. The immune system is influenced in such a way that the patient gets more and more disorders and can hardly experience any recovery.
Gluten sensitivity also causes symptoms that are comparable to gluten allergy. However, these symptoms are less harmful to the gastrointestinal tract and the immune system.
In other words, gluten sensitivity is less dangerous than gluten allergy (celiac disease) or a wheat allergy. With insight into the most common gluten allergy symptoms and information about which supplements or foods can help, you can do a lot about your recovery.

Seven Symptoms of a Gluten Allergy

gluten allergy symptoms1Depending on the extent to which you suffer from a gluten allergy, the symptoms may appear shortly after consuming gluten-containing products.

Some common gluten allergy symptoms seem to correspond to hypersensitivity to gluten in food. Nevertheless, gluten allergy has a greater impact on your health.
As described earlier, we will list some of the most common symptoms of gluten allergy in this article so that you can determine for yourself whether you may also suffer from this type of allergy.
After all, as soon as you have established the complaints, you can start with an adapted diet. Many of these complaints can then be reduced or made bearable.
It is certainly a good idea – if you suffer from one or more of the health ailments below – to delve into this matter. Here are seven common gluten allergy symptoms.

1. Persistent Fatigue

Since fatigue can also indicate several other conditions, it can be difficult to identify this as one of the gluten allergy symptoms.
However, if you constantly feel overtired, this can certainly be a clear indication of a gluten allergy. Especially if it causes hindrance in daily functioning. This may be related to a gluten allergy and gluten sensitivity.
It pays to keep this in mind so that you can look for possible solutions that can provide relief from the gluten allergy symptoms. After all, a clear recognition puts you on the right path to recovery.

2. Nausea After Eating Gluten

Many people with a gluten allergy report experiencing nausea; especially after consuming products containing gluten, nausea can set in quickly and violently.
If you get nauseous after consuming gluten-containing products, then you should consider a gluten allergy, as this ailment can be classified among the common gluten allergy symptoms.
Taking into account your diet and avoiding products that are rich in gluten can effectively combat nausea. This is why understanding and recognizing gluten allergy can be so beneficial to physical health.
After all, you can easily adjust your diet to this, which can prevent a lot of suffering.

3. Swollen Belly

If you suffer from a gluten allergy, you may get a swollen stomach. Although this can of course also is the result of overeating, if you have a gluten allergy you will find that you randomly get a swollen belly.
A bloated feeling or a stomach full of gas can therefore be the result of a gluten allergy and are therefore one of the most characteristic gluten allergy symptoms.
A clear sign that something is not going quite right in your intestinal system and that a hypersensitive reaction occurs as a result of eating gluten. If you often suffer from a swollen abdomen, it may be advisable to have a medical specialist test you for gluten sensitivity or gluten allergy.

4. Abdominal Pain as a Gluten Allergy Symptom

If you have a gluten allergy, you may regularly experience noticeable abdominal pain. Often there is no other reason for this than to eat food to which gluten has been added.
At least 83% of all people with a gluten allergy indicate that they experience pain in their stomach after eating gluten-rich foods.
Abdominal pain is therefore certainly one of the most characteristic gluten allergy symptoms. When you are mindful of this, you can adjust your diet to avoid stomach pain.
You will feel significantly better over time, without having to make a lot of changes to your diet.

5. Diarrhea and Constipation

One of the most obvious gluten allergy symptoms when looking at bowel movements is an alternating game of diarrhea and constipation. If you suffer from such complaints regularly, it can be a clear indication that you cannot tolerate gluten well.
Hypersensitivity to food enriched with gluten becomes apparent as soon as it is processed by the stomach and intestines. With celiac disease or wheat allergies, this will most likely be one of the first symptoms to become noticeable.
With gluten sensitivity, the bowel movement is often not optimal, but it does not pose a direct health hazard as is the case with gluten allergies and wheat allergies.
If the complaints regarding your bowel movements persist for a long time, it is wise to consider whether a gluten allergy or gluten sensitivity is at the root of the problem.

6. Headache as a Symptom

If you regularly experience headaches, this may also indicate a gluten allergy. Headaches often occur within half an hour to an hour after consuming foods containing gluten.
This can result in mild headaches, but can also lead to real migraine attacks.
It will also be difficult to see well and you may experience pain around the eyes. An annoying gluten allergy symptom that can certainly be treated by adjusting your dietary habits.
After all, it is annoying to be counted out every time after a meal because of a headache or migraine. Are you avoiding gluten and still suffering from migraines? Then you can also consider using natural migraine medications in addition to avoiding gluten-containing products.

7. Additional Gluten Allergy Symptoms

Although the aforementioned symptoms are more common in gluten allergy, there are certainly other complaints. These also contribute to establishing a clear diagnosis.
For example, if you suffer from a gluten allergy, you can experience muscle or joint pain, become confused, restless, or even depressed, or develop anemia. Of course, it is wise to rule out more serious conditions by contacting a doctor about this.
Both a simple blood test and a biopsy (examination of the intestinal wall) can show whether there is indeed a gluten allergy. Of course, you can also test yourself, by removing gluten from your diet and seeing how your body reacts to it.
It is recommended that you do this in consultation with a dietician so that you do not run into nutritional deficiencies.

Diet changes to combat gluten allergy symptoms

Once you and a medical specialist have determined whether gluten allergy is the cause of the gluten allergy symptoms, you can adjust your diet.
There are also some common foods that you should avoid. Naturally, all gluten-rich products, such as wheat or spelled, rye, barley, and brewer's yeast must be omitted.
Additionally, to complete this process, you should also avoid pasta, bread, noodles, crackers, cereal, pancakes, waffles, pastries, and various beverages.
For example, there will be many products that will remove from your diet. Fortunately, there are many tasty and healthy gluten-free options available these days that you can buy in a health food store or the supermarket.

Consider reducing gluten consumption

gluten allergy symptoms2It is entirely up to you to determine to what extent you want to avoid gluten-rich products. One with gluten sensitivity will react differently to this than the other.

It is unclear how much benefit you will get from removing gluten from your diet in its entirety. You can of course start reducing it to find out what the real health benefits are for you.
You can then further adjust your diet based on these findings. And it should of course also be possible to sin once, especially since gluten sensitivity does not have the same implications as gluten or wheat allergy.
To prevent deterioration of your health, it is of course advisable – if you are intolerant to gluten – to be careful with your diet and to take your eating pattern into account.
It is not pleasant to regularly experience one or more of the characteristic gluten allergy symptoms.

Slowly phasing out gluten-rich products

If you find that you are intolerant to gluten (and therefore do not have a gluten allergy), you can start to reduce your intake of gluten-rich products. By gradually replacing gluten-containing foods with other gluten-free products, you hardly notice this transition.
This approach will also be a lot easier than if you avoid everything that contains gluten in one go. This is logically personal – you may have no problem avoiding all gluten-containing products at once.
With a gradual transition, you can also find out more easily how much gluten you can tolerate, without suffering too much from gluten allergy symptoms. Clear advice from a treating physician is advisable and contributes to sensible food choices.
Any vitamin deficiencies can thus be noticed a lot more immediately, after which these deficiencies can be tackled by supplementing the right vitamins.

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