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Vitamin D Drops: The Pros And Cons Explained

Vitamin D Drops

Vitamin D drops are a form of vitamin D supplements. You do not take this via a pill or a capsule but by using drops. Many people benefit from taking extra vitamin D, but taking these supplements can also have drawbacks.
In this article, we look at how vitamin D drops work, why you should take supplements, and what the advantages and disadvantages are.

What do vitamin D drops do?

Vitamin D Drops1Vitamin D drops work just like any other type of vitamin D supplement: they give your body extra vitamin D . This vitamin is one of the few vitamins that your body can make itself. Yet there are still many people with a deficiency. This has to do with the amount of sunlight exposure we get. Fortunately, we can also get vitamin D from food and supplements.

Vitamin D helps to absorb calcium and phosphate from food and thereby supports the strengthening and production of your bones. This is very important for maintaining your body because this way you can prevent bone fractures. Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin. This means that it is stored in small amounts in your body to use as a buffer when you get a little less vitamin D.

Why do we need vitamin D drops?

Vitamin D Drops2In principle, you do not need supplements for vitamin D, but sometimes you are more likely to be deficient. In that case, it is wise to supplement your daily intake with supplements, such as vitamin D drops. Several risk groups have a higher chance of getting a vitamin D deficiency. They should pay extra attention to their daily intake, or use supplements in advance (in consultation with a doctor).

Risk groups for a vitamin D deficiency are:

Advantages and disadvantages of vitamin D supplements

Taking vitamin D supplements has many benefits, but can also have drawbacks for your health. In most cases, these disadvantages arise when you consume too much vitamin D. That's why it's important to always talk to a doctor before you start taking supplements. They know if you need this. Below you will find several advantages and disadvantages.

1. It helps against depression

Vitamin D can reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety disorders, research shows. For example, people with depression often have lower vitamin D levels and people who receive vitamin D supplements often feel better mentally.

2. It Prevents Symptoms of Osteoporosis

Although vitamin D drops cannot prevent osteoporosis, they can reduce or delay the risk of it. Because vitamin D helps to strengthen your bones, the chance of bone-related complaints is also less.

3. Too Much Calcium in Your Blood

If you already had enough vitamin D in your body and you now take vitamin D drops, your body is getting too much vitamin D. As a result, you may have too much calcium in your blood. This can lead to nausea, dry mouth, frequent urination, and sometimes even dizziness.

4. Vitamin D Drops and Bone Fractures

While vitamin D is essential for bone health, too much of it can be counterproductive. An excess of vitamin D ensures that a lot of calcium ends up in your blood, instead of in your bones. The vitamin that normally keeps calcium in the bones (vitamin K) functions less well as a result. For example, an excess of vitamin D can still lead to bone fractures.

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