You probably know the saying that you should eat for two when you are pregnant. Unfortunately, I have to disappoint you. This is a myth. In this blog, I explain to you which foods you can eat extra during your pregnancy. You will also learn which supplements can contribute to a healthy pregnancy.

Folic Acid During Pregnancy

best pregnancy supplements 7Folic acid is another name for vitamin B11. Even before you are pregnant it is necessary to get enough folic acid.

Folic acid is found in whole-grain products, bread, meat, dairy, and vegetables. It is mainly found in green (leaf) vegetables.
Sufficient intake of folic acid reduces the chance of having a child with spina bifida or cleft lip. Vitamin B11 is important in the early development of the fetus. Therefore, start supplementing folic acid from the moment you start trying to have a baby.
Did you find out later that you are pregnant? Then start taking folic acid as soon as possible. However, always do this in consultation with a medical specialist.
The recommended daily allowance for pregnant women is 400 micrograms. It is almost impossible to get the required amount of folic acid during your pregnancy through food. Therefore, B11 supplements can be an effective aid for pregnant women.

Getting pregnant and vitamin D

It is recommended that you also start with 10 micrograms of vitamin D per day from the moment you want to become pregnant. This contributes to the good bone development of your child, because thanks to vitamin D, calcium can be absorbed better from the diet.

additional food

Even though you are not for t

best pregnancy supplements 8Wee people have to eat, you do need to get a little extra nutrition when you are pregnant. It depends on each phase during your pregnancy how much food your baby needs. However, you do not have to take this into account that much.

Try to listen to your body. Your body will indicate when you need extra nutrition during your pregnancy. During your pregnancy, you are usually allowed a little more sandwiches, whole grains, and meat/fish/legumes.

Weight gain during pregnancy

On average, a weight gain of 10-14 kg at the end of pregnancy is sufficient. This is extra fatty tissue through food, but also extra blood, the placenta, amniotic fluid, and of course the baby.
The amount of healthy weight gain depends on your build and height. Getting enough calcium, iron, and fish, in particular, is a point of attention.
By also getting enough iron, you have less chance of anemia. Calcium, like vitamin D, is necessary for bone building and development. You can get these nutrients sufficiently if you eat a varied diet and eat enough dairy, meat, and whole-grain products.

Specific foods

Some foods should be limited or even avoided during pregnancy. These products can hurt the fetus. This is due to natural or unnatural substances in these products.
For example, too high a dietary intake of vitamin A during pregnancy can have negative effects on the health of your baby. Never exceed the tolerable upper limit of vitamin A.
Ideally, avoid liver and limit liver products, as they are very high in vitamin A. A good guideline is a maximum of 1 sandwich with liver sausage or liver pâté.

Products to avoid

In addition, you should avoid the following foods during your pregnancy because of possible contamination with bacteria:

  • raw eggs
  • Raw sprouts
  • (Cheese made from) raw milk
  • raw meats
  • Raw and smoked fish

You should avoid the following foods during your pregnancy because of possible harmful substances.

  • Herbal Pills Not Approved by the NVWA
  • Calabash Lime (Pimba)
  • Alcohol
  • Predatory fish, such as tuna and shark

Products to be restricted

Examples of foods that should be restricted during pregnancy include:

  • Fatty fish
  • Coffee (because of the caffeine component)
  • Tea with fennel and anise (fennel and anise can raise blood pressure)
  • licorice
  • kitchen herbs

During your pregnancy, you have a weakened immune system. This makes you more sensitive to bacteria in food. For this reason, it is advised to avoid certain foods. You can easily find out which foods these are via the “ZwangerHap” app.

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