It is well known that there are many addictions. Combating addiction is often easier said than done. Depending on the type of addiction, it can potentially have a major impact on both the mind and the body.
For example, you can think of drug addiction. Stopping drugs can not only mentally exhausting but physically can a lot of health problems come to light. These complaints may be related to a shortage of certain nutrients due to the addiction.
Fortunately, the right supplements can help reduce potential nutrient deficiencies more quickly, making recovery from addiction more effective and healthier. In this article, we will therefore zoom in on the use of nutritional supplements during an addiction.

Nutrient deficiency due to addiction

Addiction Wth Supplements1Since recovering addicts have damaged their natural body systems, it's no surprise that they benefit greatly from taking nutritional supplements. Certainly with a view to the process associated with combating an addiction.

Alcoholics are likely to lack vitamins B1 and thiamine and have trouble absorbing vitamins A, D, and E.
Drug addicts may be deficient in both several B vitamins, as well as vitamins C and E. They may also be deficient in magnesium, calcium, and niacin.
In addition, opiate addicts in particular often have a reduced vitamin C content. This exerts a major negative influence on the functioning of their immune system.
All of these deficiencies can be detrimental to the overall health of the individual. It is therefore important to combat these deficiencies as quickly as possible so that countering an addiction is done more healthily and efficiently.

Countering an Addiction: Benefits of Supplements

Addiction Wth Supplements2When trying to overcome addiction, it is important to obtain and maintain healthy levels of vitamins and minerals in the body.

After all, getting enough nutrients is necessary for the proper functioning of the immune system, the organs, and the recovery process of the body.
Some of the most popular supplements that people take on the road to addiction include fish oil (which promotes heart health), vitamin B12 (which helps keep nerve and blood cells healthy), and calcium (which promotes the health of the blood cells). supports bones).
Vitamin D also aids in the absorption of calcium. Vitamins C and E are antioxidants, which many people use to help prevent damage to cells or improve their overall health.
To get the recommended dosage of all of the above, many people choose to take one or more supplements daily.

Preventing nutrient deficiency symptoms during an addiction

The symptoms of nutrient deficiencies during addiction are many and varied. Although there are a large number of indicators that can indicate that an addict or recovering addict is deficient in one or more vitamins and minerals, a (blood) test with a doctor can provide full insight into any deficiencies.
However, if anyone experiences any of the symptoms listed below, it is advisable to see a doctor. In this way, it can be determined whether a lack of a vitamin or mineral is the cause of the symptoms. Be alert for the following symptoms:

  1. Fatigue
  2. Dizziness
  3. Swollen or bleeding gums
  4. muscle loss
  5. Dry skin
  6. Amnesia
  7. Bloated feeling
  8. Digestive Problems
  9. Breathing problems

As we discussed earlier in this article, many people who are recovering from alcohol or drug addiction experience nutrient deficiencies. In that case, it is important to eliminate the relevant deficiencies as soon as possible, so that counteracting an addiction can go more smoothly. Recovering from addiction goes beyond just quitting a bad habit; for example, the recovery of the human body is faster if there is no shortage of nutrients.
Also important to mention: Even if someone wants to kick his or her addiction and does not suffer from one or more of the above symptoms, it is still wise to contact a medical specialist to see if there are no nutrient deficiencies. be in order.

Supplements for people recovering from addiction

Addiction Wth Supplements3

The use of nutritional supplements to improve someone's health is becoming increasingly common. After all, the right supplements can ensure that the required nutrients are supplemented quickly and effectively.
If someone wants to work on his or her recovery with the help of a supplement during addiction, it is important to first discuss this with a doctor or a dietician. They can give sound advice.
Nevertheless, to promote the recovery from an addiction, the person can share several supplements facts and tips that relate to the following nutrients:
Omega 3 fatty acids – Omega 3 fatty acids are essential fats that the body cannot make itself. They are mainly found in fish and are necessary for proper functioning brain functions. In addition, this type of fatty acid ensures that your nervous system is better maintained. Many people take fish oil as a supplement, but some doctors specifically recommend krill oil because of its high concentration of omega-3 fatty acids. This supplement also helps to reduce withdrawal symptoms.
Vitamin D – This vitamin is mainly obtained through exposure to sunlight, but supplementation may also be necessary in some cases. Chronic vitamin D deficiency is common among drug users, so vitamin D supplementation may be helpful to make up for the deficiencies. In addition to taking extra vitamin D through a supplement, you can also choose to use a vitamin D lamp to combat deficiencies. In short, taking vitamin D and fighting an addiction go hand in hand.
Vitamin C – Vitamin C levels tend to be significantly lower in drug addicts, but conversely, high doses of Vitamin C have been shown to increase endorphins levels and reduce withdrawal symptoms. For example, supplementation of this vitamin is effective in people who are quitting crack. It also helps to reduce stress and anxiety and reduce the severity of depression. Foods that contain vitamin C (in addition to dietary supplements) include green peppers, citrus fruits, tomatoes, cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts. Do you notice any symptoms of a vitamin C deficiency ? Then contact your GP.
B vitamins – In addition to supplements, B vitamins can be found in dark green vegetables, liver, beets, and lentils. Getting enough B vitamins can help reduce cravings during recovery from food addiction. It can also help to optimize the health of your brain. If someone is dealing with addiction, it may be a good plan to add a vitamin B complex to that person's diet.
Magnesium – Magnesium occurs naturally in dark leafy greens, nuts, seeds, avocados, bananas, wild salmon, and tuna, but recovering drug addicts often struggle to regain magnesium levels by consuming food alone. In that case, a supplement with magnesium can offer the solution.
Zinc – Having recommended levels of zinc in the blood is important for optimal mental and physical health. Alcohol can lower zinc levels in the body, which can lead to increased anxiety. Aside from supplements, zinc can be found in oysters, beef, pumpkin seeds, cashews, mushrooms, and spinach.

Countering addictions with supplements as a tool summarized

Combating an addiction can be debilitating, both physically and mentally. Nevertheless, it is important to continue with the addiction treatment, because in the long run, this will result in many health benefits.
When one focuses on counteracting an addiction, help from a doctor and psychologist is of undeniable importance. Professional guidance increases the chance of successfully kicking an addiction. In addition, there are other ways to help addicts or recovering addicts; such as through supplementation.
After all, many addictions – such as alcohol addiction and drug addiction – lead to a deficiency of one or more nutrients. This logically harms someone's health. The deficiencies must therefore be remedied as soon as possible. The right supplements can play a crucial role in this.

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