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Best Tips For Getting Pregnant Faster Best Pregnancy Supplements

Best Pregnancy Supplements

Getting pregnant is an exciting time for many couples. Many women keep a close eye on their menstrual cycle during this time to see when they are ovulating for optimal results. In addition, both partners try to maintain a healthy diet with pregnancy food, so that they immediately address all possible problems (such as nutrient deficiencies).
However, did you know that supplements can also affect the rate at which a woman becomes pregnant? In this article, we will discuss the various supplements that have a positive influence on pregnancy. We look at pregnancy supplements that can help women, but also supplements that help men improve their fertility.

Why Use Pregnancy Supplements?

Throughout the life of an adult woman, there are some times when she needs more nutrients than usual. This already happens in small sizes when she is menstruating. However, when you are pregnant or want to become pregnant, your body needs considerably more nutrients because of one clear explanation: your body is getting ready for an extra life.
This difference is already noticeable on the scale of the different macronutrients. A non-pregnant woman generally needs “only” 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. In contrast, a pregnant woman needs 1.1 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight to support the health of her little one.
Micro-nutrients – such as minerals and vitamins – are crucial in this regard. Think of folic acid and iron. For some people, it is easy to adapt to the new needs of the body, but for others, it is more difficult. That is why it can be interesting for some couples who want to have children to take certain supplements. These support their body and ensure that they (and the future child) receive enough nutrients.

Good Pregnancy Supplements for Women

Best Pregnancy Supplements 1Now you are probably curious about commonly used pregnancy supplements. Let's take a closer look at that in this part of the article.

Below is a list of supplements and nutrients that can help women get pregnant faster and boost their health.
Before adding supplements with these nutrients to your diet, it is wise to first contact a medical specialist.

1. Iron

A woman's blood volume is significantly increased during pregnancy and can be as much as 45% more than usual. Iron ensures the transport of oxygen through the bloodstream and thereby stimulates the growth of the baby and the placenta in which the child grows up. A supplement containing 27mg of iron per day is sufficient for many women to promote faster pregnancy. You can easily get this type of supplement at a drugstore or pharmacy. Please note that if you suffer from an iron deficiency or anemia, you should first contact your doctor.

2. Get Pregnant Faster With Prenatal Vitamins

These vitamins are ideal for women who want to increase their chances of getting pregnant. Prenatal vitamins contain all the vitamins and minerals you need for rapid conception, during pregnancy, and while breastfeeding. Many prenatal vitamins also contain all the substances in the right amounts, so you don't have to worry about getting too much or too little of a certain substance.

3. Folic Acid

Folic acid is a part of vitamin B (vitamin B9) which aids in the development of the fetus and its growth. It also aids in the development of DNA and the production of red blood cells. Folic acid is also known to help prevent a possible neural tube defect in fetuses.

Supplements for men and women with a desire to have children

Best Pregnancy Supplements 2Several nutrients have a positive influence on their fertility and the process of getting pregnant for both men and women. It is therefore important that both parties ensure that they consume enough of these nutrients when trying to have a baby.

It is best to get the following nutrients through a healthy diet. However, this does not work for everyone. In that case, you can choose to add so-called pregnancy supplements to your diet.

1. Acetyl L-carnitine

Acetyl L-carnitine (ALC) is a substance that the body produces itself in small quantities, but which can also be obtained regularly from other food sources. It is a type of amino acid that helps convert fat into energy. However, ALC also has another effect: it stimulates the movement of the sperm cells of the man. In addition, this substance contains many antioxidants, which have a positive influence on the reproductive organs of the woman.

2. Omega-3 Fats

Omega-3 fatty acids are important for brain development and health, including in fetuses. Two of these most important substances are DHA and EPA. You can find them in fish oil pills, but also phytoplankton capsules; a plant-based alternative to fish oil. These fatty acids help to promote sperm motility and also help to boost fertility in women over 35.

3. Relationship Between Getting Pregnant And Vitamin D

Although a lot of vitamin D is obtained from sunlight and dairy products, there are still many people who are only just getting their daily required amount of vitamin D. It is, therefore, necessary to make sufficient vitamin D supplements before and during pregnancy to prevent vitamin D deficiency symptoms – with the associated complications. Vitamin D improves the quality of a man's sperm cells and helps to stimulate the ovaries to produce an egg.

4. Vitamin B

In addition to folic acid for women, vitamin B also has benefits for both men and women when trying to conceive. A study has shown that women who received a lot of vitamin B had a lower risk of infertility. In addition, vitamin B appears to help improve sperm quality in men.

5. Coenzyme Q10

Although more research is needed on this, Q10 seems to have a positive influence on the amount of sperm in men. It is also a substance that improves the response of a woman's ovaries when she tries to conceive a child through IVF (artificial procreation). The body also produces Q10 itself in small amounts, but a small boost through supplements does not hurt when getting pregnant is a priority.

6. Getting Pregnant With Selenium

Although selenium is not often mentioned as an important mineral, it has a major impact on a woman's pregnancy. For example, selenium can ensure that the fluid around a woman's eggs remains healthy and prevents the risk of miscarriage. Selenium also has a positive influence on the motility of the sperm cells of the man, which allows them to swim further.

7. Zinc

Zinc is an important mineral that supports sperm development. It also aids in the development of a woman's eggs. It is recommended that women consume at least 8mg of zinc every day to increase their chances of becoming pregnant. For men, this recommended amount is 11mg.

Boosting Men's Fertility with Supplements

In the process of getting pregnant, men also play an important role. You have already read this in the first part of this article. When you are a man and your sperm cells are in top condition, the chance of conception is higher than if you do little about it. Below you will find a list of vitamins and minerals that are important for promoting male fertility.

1. Vitamin C helps your partner get pregnant

Vitamin C is one of the best antioxidants the body can get. It prevents cell damage throughout the body, including the man's testicles. A 2016 study found that when men took vitamin C supplements (in combination with vitamin E), their sperm count was increased. It also had a positive influence on the motility of the sperm cells.

2. Calcium

When sperm cells are produced, calcium plays a major role. A shortage of calcium can therefore quickly lead to a reduced amount of sperm cells, and you want to avoid that when getting pregnant is high on your list of priorities.

Things to Avoid While Getting Pregnant

Best Pregnancy Supplements 3In addition to nutrients and supplements to aid your pregnancy, there are also things to avoid.

Not only do women receive a whole laundry list of things they should avoid during pregnancy, but it is also important before the pregnancy to look at things that can have a negative influence on this.
Do you want to get pregnant faster in a healthy way? Then ban the things below from your lifestyle. This also contributes to a healthier and more vital life – even after you have become pregnant and have given birth to a baby. A real win-win situation!

1. Unhealthy Weight

How regularly you ovulate depends on several factors, including your weight. If you are severely underweight, this can hurt your ovulation. After all, your body has to make more effort to maintain other bodily processes, so that your uterus is put on “pause” as it were.
The same goes for people who are very overweight. It takes the body more effort to keep everything in an optimal state, making the functioning of the uterus more difficult.
In both of these cases, it is wise to discuss with a doctor or dietician what a safe way to lose weight/gain weight, so that getting pregnant faster is something you increase the chance of. This way you can eat yourself happily in no time and prevent an unhealthy weight.

2. Smoking

Smoking not only harms your lungs, but it can also (if you are a woman) damage your uterus and fallopian tubes. If you want to get pregnant, it is crucial to stop smoking. That is not only healthier for your unborn child, but also yourself. As a man, it is also advisable to stop smoking: both for your overall health, as well as for the health of your sperm cells.

3. Alcohol Harms Healthy Pregnancy

Almost everyone likes to drink a glass of wine or beer now and then, and a little alcohol now and then won't hurt if you're not pregnant yet. However, be careful not to drink too much, as this can negatively affect your ovulation and the rate at which you conceive.

4. High Stress

Many people already know that stress is not good for your physical and mental health. But what many people do not know is that a high-stress level as well as a negative influence on your fertility. If getting pregnant is something you pursue, then it is advisable to avoid as much stress in your life as possible. Look for ways that help you relax, such as yoga or meditation.

Other Pregnancy Factors Involved

Best Pregnancy Supplements 4In addition to diet, pregnancy supplements, and avoiding bad lifestyle habits, other factors play a role in increasing the chance of getting pregnant.

These factors are also important to keep in mind for optimal pregnancy outcomes.
Read on to find out which other factors influence pregnancy and fertility. Ideally, you should also take this into account, so that you increase the chance of having a baby soon.

1. Ovulation

This is perhaps the most important point in this article. To become pregnant, your egg must be in the womb at the same time as your partner's sperm cells. For women with regular periods, ovulation often occurs two weeks after the first day of menstruation. This is therefore an ideal time to focus extra on getting pregnant. If you want to be sure, you can use a tracking app to check your period, but there are also tests to see if you are currently ovulating.

2. Contraception

There are different forms of birth control. The most common ones, such as the pill and the condom, do not affect a woman's fertility once she stops using them. Other forms of contraception, such as an implant, a hormonal IUD, or a contraceptive injection, can cause the woman to be infertile for a while – even after she has stopped using these forms of contraception. This has a negative influence on the speed of pregnancy.

3. Cervical mucus

When the egg begins to mature inside the womb, your body responds by producing more mucus, so that the mature egg is placed in a pleasant environment. You often recognize this because you have more discharge in your underwear. When you notice this, it is a good time to focus more on getting pregnant, as the chance of pregnancy is higher during this period.

4. Lubricant

Perhaps this is a point you haven't thought of yet, but lubricant can also affect sperm motility. It is therefore important to use the natural lubricant of the female body during sex or to use oils (such as rapeseed oil or mineral oil).

Getting Pregnant: Pregnancy Supplements and Overall Lifestyle

Both men and women need to follow a balanced and healthy diet, consisting of foods with sufficient vitamins and minerals. In this way, the chance of getting pregnant can be increased.
If a varied and healthy diet does not provide your body with the right nutrients, it may be advisable to turn to the pregnancy supplements described earlier. These are supplements that are known to potentially have a positive effect on fertility.
Finally, other factors that can affect the pregnancy that you should also take into account. Think of certain bad lifestyle habits, such as smoking, drinking alcohol, and eating a lot of unhealthy food. The bottom line is that a healthy lifestyle and a good diet are the most important factors for an easy pregnancy.

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