Everyone wants to feel as happy and healthy as possible. A healthy intestinal flora plays a very important role in this! Recent studies have shown that poor gut flora can affect your overall health and be the cause of many interrelated medical conditions.
Content of this article about a healthy intestinal flora for

  1. A healthy intestinal flora for better health
  2. Food supplements for a healthy intestinal flora
  3. Probiotics
  4. fish oil
  5. glutamine

A healthy intestinal flora for better health

For example, poor gut health can negatively affect your mood, but can also result in weight gain. An unhealthy intestinal flora also makes it difficult to lose weight and can contribute to digestive disorders.
Striving for and maintaining healthy gut health helps with your overall health and well-being – especially if you suffer from conditions that can be linked to your gut. Think of an allergy to gluten with the associated gluten allergy symptoms.
Read on to find out which supplements you can take to promote healthier gut flora.

Food supplements for a healthy intestinal flora

If you often suffer from stomach pain, bloating, indigestion, and/or other ailments that can be linked to your digestive system, it may be worthwhile to add an appropriate supplement to your daily routine.
While it's important to maintain good gut health by eating healthy foods, you may also need to add a nutritional supplement to your daily diet to ensure you're getting the right nutrients and improving your gut health over time.
Below we describe four supplements that can give your intestinal flora a boost.


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Probiotics are different from other supplements because they contain living organisms. Usually, these are specific strains of bacteria that directly contribute to the population of healthy microbes in your gut.
Dozens of different probiotic bacteria provide health benefits. The most common groups are “Lactobacillus” and “Bifidobacterium”. Each group consists of different types of bacteria and each species has several strains.
Interestingly, different probiotics address different health issues. After antibiotics, probiotics are important, since your good gut bacteria are affected during antibiotic treatment.
Therefore, choosing the right type of probiotic is essential. Some supplements — known as “broad-spectrum probiotics” or “multi-probiotics” — combine different types of bacterial strains in the same product.
In short, high-quality probiotic supplements can be seen as a real powerhouse when it comes to obtaining a healthy intestinal flora!

fish oil

The fatty acids in fish oil (particularly omega-3) are powerful anti-inflammatory agents that can help combat temporary inflammation in the gut – an important aspect if maintaining healthy gut flora is your priority.
In addition, studies have shown that these fatty acids can also promote the survival of all beneficial probiotics in your digestive tract.
There are three main types of omega-3 fatty acids, or oils, that are especially beneficial for your gut:

  1. Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA)
  2. Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)
  3. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)

In our opinion, these fatty acids should not be missing from this list of supplements for healthy intestinal flora .


Glutamine is a building block of proteins and is the most abundant amino acid in the human body. In addition to having anti-inflammatory benefits in the gut, glutamine is essential for repairing your gut lining.
In other words, glutamine can help reduce or cure what is known as “leaky gut syndrome”.
Finally, studies show that glutamine can improve the growth of intestinal cells. Glutamine is therefore effective in several areas when you strive to obtain a healthy intestinal flora!

Vitamin D3

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A vitamin D deficiency is associated with an imbalance in the intestinal flora and is also associated with the so-called “metabolic syndrome”. It is therefore important to consider the use of vitamin D3 supplements.
The immune-boosting properties of vitamin D3 can calm temporary inflammation in the gut, but research also shows that vitamin D3 supplementation can increase the diversity of your gut microbiome (a dynamic ecosystem made up of many microorganisms) and ward off bad bacteria. .
As a bonus, vitamin D3 can help your body convert glucose so that improved insulin sensitivity occurs. Vitamin D3 may be mentioned last in this article about supplements for a healthy intestinal flora, but that does not alter the fact that this vitamin is very effective when you want to improve the health of your gut.

The content of this article is based on scientific publications and was written in collaboration with medical specialists/nutritionists.

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