For many, minerals and vitamins against fatigue are an effective solution for long-lasting fatigue. Everyone is tired from time to time, but if this is not over after a few nights of good sleep, there may be more to it. In the long run, this can have negative effects on your health.
When you are tired, you can use several supplements with vitamins against fatigue. We will name these vitamins in this article and we will also explain why they can help against fatigue. We also explain how fatigue can arise and what the consequences of long-term fatigue are. Finally, we give you several tips that help to remedy and prevent fatigue.

How does fatigue arise?

Effective Minerals And Vitamins 1Before we talk about the minerals and vitamins against fatigue, it is important to know what fatigue is. Contrary to popular belief, fatigue is not the same as being tired or sleepy. After all, it's more in-depth. When you're tired, you don't have the energy to do things – even when you normally don't have a problem doing so.

Fatigue can be caused by several factors, but we can roughly divide these into three groups.
Physical health problems: When fatigue arises from physical health problems, there is a good chance that it is due to an underlying illness. This can be anything from, for example, anemia to insomnia to an eating disorder. In many cases, however, fatigue is not the only symptom. So, if you are tired and have no other complaints, you probably don't have to worry about having a physical health problem.
Mental health problems:  Many mental health problems such as depression and anxiety disorders have fatigue as one of the symptoms of these diseases. In addition, there are chronic diseases or disorders in which fatigue is one of the regular symptoms. As with physical health problems, fatigue is often not the only symptom, so you don't have to worry about a mental health problem right away.
Lifestyle: The most common reason you suffer from fatigue is often a person's lifestyle. Fortunately, this fatigue can be solved quite easily with the right approach. Fatigue due to a lifestyle can arise for various reasons, such as drinking and drug use, sleeping little, drinking a lot of caffeine, exercising too little or too much, boredom, and mourning. Lifestyle fatigue can in many cases be easily reduced or resolved by anti-fatigue vitamins.

Consequences of fatigue

Effective Minerals And Vitamins 2If you do not tackle your fatigue early with vitamins against fatigue or with other treatments, various consequences can arise.

These vary from mild health problems to serious health problems with a greater impact on your living environment. Mild or severe: You logically want to avoid both types at all costs.
Below you will find a list with some consequences if you do not treat your fatigue for a long time.

poorer memory

During your sleep, your brain processes all the information you have absorbed during the day. Do you sleep badly, or are you constantly tired during the day? Then it takes your brain more effort to store information so that parts sometimes disappear. You will forget things faster and have more trouble recalling other memories.

Decreased concentration

In addition to forgetfulness, there is a good chance that you can concentrate less well. Completing long-term tasks takes more effort than usual and you are more easily distracted.

Reduced responsiveness

This applies to work/school as well as traffic. When your brain gets too little rest, your responsiveness decreases. This can lead to minor mistakes at work or school, but it can also lead to major traffic accidents if you can't react quickly enough to another road user.

Higher Blood Pressure

Fatigue is associated with higher blood pressure. And while high blood pressure can do little harm if it occurs occasionally, long-term high blood pressure can lead to cardiovascular disease. Fortunately, vitamins against fatigue or supplements can help to reduce or even prevent this.

mood swings

We all know that a poor night's sleep can lead to irritability, but in the long run, it has greater consequences for your mood. For example, a lack of sleep can lead to more mood swings, a greater chance of an anxiety disorder, and even a greater chance of depression.

A lower libido

When you don't get enough sleep, your testosterone level drops. Testosterone is the hormone that determines how high your libido is. With a high testosterone level, you have a higher libido and with a lower level, you also have a lower libido. Chronic sleep deprivation can have many effects on your libido in the long run.

Weak immune system

During your sleep, your body uses the rest to recover. This also gives your body the chance to strengthen your immune system. Damage caused by bacteria, viruses, or harmful substances is repaired and new protective cells are created. When you don't get enough sleep, your body misses this opportunity and your immune system is weaker and more prone to disease.

Commonly used minerals and vitamins against fatigue

Effective Minerals And Vitamins 3Fortunately, there is a solution against fatigue using vitamins. You are probably wondering which vitamins are effective against fatigue. Then read on quickly, because you will find them below.

In addition to vitamins for fatigue, several minerals help against fatigue. We have also written down the best remedy for fatigue for you. Always consult a medical specialist before adding the vitamins and minerals below to your diet.

1. Anti-fatigue Vitamins: Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is one of the anti-fatigue vitamins that converts the food you eat into energy. It also plays a major role in the health of your nerves and blood cells. For these reasons, vitamin B12 is widely used in the fight against anemia. This vitamin helps to counteract weakness and fatigue as a symptom of this disease.
It is often said that vitamin B12 is only available from animal products. However, this is not true. Many food sources are nowadays fortified with vitamin B12, which means that a deficiency of vitamin B12 is relatively rare – even among vegans and vegetarians. Vitamin B12 is therefore suitable for everyone as one of the vitamins against fatigue. After all, it can serve as a dietary supplement for more energy.

2. Vitamin D as a vitamin against fatigue

There is a reason why many people experience a so-called “winter slump” in the winter. After all, vitamin D is one of the vitamins against fatigue and many people have less vitamin D in their body during the winter period. It is therefore important to pay close attention to your vitamin D intake during this period.
Vitamin D is one of the few vitamins that our body produces itself. This is done with the help of sunlight. However, we can also get this vitamin from food sources, such as oily fish. Vitamin D helps against fatigue because it can counteract the signs of depression, but also because it improves our immune system. This makes us less prone to prolonged fatigue.

3. Vitamin C as one of the anti-fatigue vitamins

Vitamin C has been shown to play a major role in the distribution of energy in your body. After all, this vitamin ensures the transport of fatty acids to your mitochondria, the energy source of your cells. This ultimately provides the energy you have. So if you suffer from fatigue, you may need to take more of these fatigue-fighting C vitamins through fatigue supplements or food sources.

4. Iron as a mineral against fatigue

Iron is used by your body to make hemoglobin. This is a protein that helps red blood cells carry oxygen around your body. A lack of iron in your blood results in a lack of hemoglobin, which means less oxygen is moved through your body. If this is the case, you may feel fatigued more quickly. Iron is therefore an important part of the minerals and vitamins against fatigue.
You can get iron from various animal products, but also green leafy vegetables such as spinach and cabbage. Especially people with a predisposition to anemia or pregnant women should keep a close eye on their iron levels.

5. L-Theanine

L-Theanine is an amino acid mainly found in tea and mushrooms. This amino acid works in much the same way as caffeine but does not provide an energy “crash” after the effects wear off. Research has shown that L-Theanine can reduce mental fatigue in humans, making it an effective anti-fatigue agent.

6. Magnesium

Magnesium is a very important mineral in your body, perhaps one of the most important. It contributes to the functioning of more than 300 processes in your body. Magnesium also makes it easier to fall asleep. The mineral ensures that your body relaxes faster, which makes it easier for you to fall asleep. Magnesium is also linked to the substance GABA (Gamma-aminobutyric acid). GABA is a neurotransmitter that signals your body to calm down. Together they ensure that you relax well before you fall asleep.

Other tips besides minerals and vitamins against fatigue

Effective Minerals And Vitamins 4In addition to using minerals and vitamins against fatigue, there are several other tips against fatigue that you can implement in your daily routine to reduce your fatigue.

Especially when your fatigue comes from your lifestyle, the following steps can have a positive influence on your energy level, so that you suffer less from fatigue in the future. Also, using a combination of the right vitamins and minerals and using the tips below can have a beneficial effect on a tired feeling.

Exercise regularly

You don't have to run a full marathon right now, but by exercising your body regularly, you can counteract fatigue. A 5-15 minute walk can quickly reduce the production of adenosine so that you are less likely to experience the feeling of fatigue.

Use relaxation exercises

Many people today experience stressful situations, which means that their average stress level is much higher than what is necessary. If you are under a lot of stress, there is a good chance that you will not sleep as well, which will also make you feel tired more quickly. Trying out different relaxation exercises will lower your stress level and make it easier for you to fall asleep. Not every exercise works the same for everyone, so take the time to find out what works best for you.

Reduce your alcohol and drug intake

If you drink alcohol or use drugs, these substances can have a negative influence on your fatigue. A beer or glass of wine now and then won't hurt, but frequent use of alcohol or drugs can affect your sleep pattern, making you less likely to get a good night's sleep. As a result, you feel more tired during the day. The use of minerals and vitamins against fatigue is also extra important when you regularly use alcohol and/or drugs, as these substances can lead to mineral and vitamin deficiencies.

Watch out for possible allergies

Allergies can also cause you to often feel tired. This is because your body is constantly in conflict with the invading substances. This struggle makes you feel tired and listless, and that is not surprising. If you notice that you regularly suffer from symptoms of an allergy, it may be useful to get tested for this so that you can take appropriate medicines and avoid certain foods. That way you can significantly reduce your fatigue.

drink more water

Drinking water is important for your body to function properly. Even vitamins against fatigue are less effective if you don't have enough water in your body. By drinking more water (or tea), your body can function better and you will suffer less from a dry throat and nose at night, which sometimes also means that you have a poorer night's sleep.

Develop a regular sleep rhythm

Some people go to bed at a different time each day and wake up at different times. However, this harms your body, because your brain never knows when it comes to rest. So try to establish a routine, where you go to bed around the same time every day and get up around the same time. This way your body knows where it stands, and you will benefit from a better night's sleep.

Drink soothing tea

It may sound strange, but tea, or herbal tea, does affect the amount of sleep you get. For example, chamomile and lavender both ensure that your brain and body relax more, making it easier for you to fall asleep. Valerian is also as easy to drink as tea and helps improve the quality of your sleep.

Use natural supplements

In addition to vitamins, there are also other supplements that you can take to help you fall asleep more easily. For example, melatonin supplements are very effective. Your brain naturally already contains melatonin, which it produces. However, when you are deficient in melatonin, you feel less tired and it is more difficult to fall asleep. A supplement can give you a boost that makes it easier to fall asleep.

Minerals and vitamins against fatigue in summary

Fatigue is different from feeling tired or sleepy. Fatigue ensures that you have less energy to do things and can also ensure that you have less concentration and memory ability. Three main factors can cause fatigue: physical health problems, mental health problems, and an unhealthy lifestyle. Especially the last factor can usually be easily treated with various minerals and vitamins against fatigue.
Your body needs vitamins and minerals against fatigue to function properly. It also helps to combat fatigue. If this does not happen, various health problems can arise. Think of a lack of focus and memory problems.
In addition to minerals and vitamins against fatigue, you can also use other tips to reduce your fatigue. In combination with the vitamins and minerals, you will notice that your sleep improves and you will feel less tired.
Do you suffer from fatigue for a long time and the minerals and vitamins do not help against fatigue? Then it is wise to contact your doctor to see if there are underlying health problems that cause this fatigue.

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